Gardening In Small Spaces

Gardening In Small Spaces

Tips For Gardening In Small Spaces

In previous blog posts we have written about gardening in small spaces using window boxes and small planters, however, in this article we want to simply approach this topic from a general viewpoint. For many people, a backyard or simply a large enough space to have a larger garden is not a reality. This makes the prospect of gardening a little more difficult, but with some creative thinking, this apparent setback won’t harm your attempt at creating the perfect garden.

Beginning In A Small Space

Small spaces will however, certainly effect and likely will define your garden and its design. The apartment dweller won’t be able to grow certain types of plants, as trees and larger shrubs and bushes are all but impossible to grow in these places. However, some vertical gardening will be possible, along with smaller plants. So, let’s discuss the different variables that gardening in a small space entails.

Creativity At Work

Before we get into the details of gardening in a small space, make sure to access the creative part of your mind. Smaller spaces don’t mean no gardening, but they mean a different type of gardening, and every small space will be different. While this article will offer a number of basic tips, we unfortunately can’t jump into each one of your personal spaces to create the perfect garden in this space. As a result, much of this planning and creativity falls on the gardener’s shoulders, so don’t be afraid to experiment with different techniques and styles in your garden.

Planning Your Creative Space

Start your gardening journey with this creativity, by planning out your space and deciding what you will want your garden to look like, as well as which types of plants that you will want to plant in this little garden. You may have to clear some space for your garden in this spot. You might end up using a wall, a nook along a patio or deck, window space, and a number of different options. Plan out the space to give yourself a head start.

Using Containers In Small Spaces

Since you are likely without a patch of ground which you can plant directly into, the majority of small space gardening will be done in a container. These containers come in many different shapes and sizes. These include window boxes, stand alone planters, in both small and large sizes and many other creative options that you can create yourself or with the help of these different types of basic containers.

The majority of small space gardening will be done in a container

Watering & Drainage

Container gardening will allow you to move plants quickly, while adding some decoration to your home garden. These containers should have good drainage, so make sure that they have some drainage holes to prevent root rot. Because of this, also account for the excess water that will come out of the drainage holes, and provide the planter with a drip tray if it is resting on a solid surface. While container planting is the best and most obvious way to plant in small spaces, make sure that you have the proper set up before starting to garden.

Soil & Planting Advice

Remember that good soil will be key to the success of your mini-garden. These plants will likely exhaust the nutrients in the smaller amount of soil that is placed in your gardening container. To take care of these plants, you will likely want to add fertilizer to the container to provide your plants with the best possible chance to fully bloom.

Fertilizing For Multiple Plantings

Since small-scale gardening can oftentimes be done inside, you may end up planting more than once during the growing season. Make sure to follow this trend of adding fertilizer to your container, especially if you are planting more than once in a single gardening season. One of the worst things that can happen, whether you are planting in a large garden or a small space, is losing your plants.

Types of Space To Plant In

The next variable to take into consideration is the nature of the space that you have. Your space will likely be limited by a handful of different things, however, there is often a way to circumvent these different situations. So let's take a look at a few of the popular ways to get around these constraints.

Your space will likely be limited by a handful of different things, however, there is often a way to circumvent these different situations.

Vertical Planting

Growing plants vertically can be the perfect way to start in a small space. While most spaces may be limited in their width and depth, they are often the same as many others when concerning their vertical space. Look into finding some smaller climbing plants that will do the best in your environment and won’t strain the location too much. From this point you can find some type of smaller trellising and train the climbing plants up this trellis to create a beautiful vertical effect.

Window Boxes & Windowsills

Another popular location is the windowsill. Window boxes are often used in these situations as they are able to take advantage of the small though often free spaces outside of the window. These locations are the perfect place to put flowers and can do wonders with the creativity and artistic style of the gardener. If you have the space for a window box, consider adding this to highlight the artistic nature of gardening.

Finally make sure to take the same proper care with your small garden that you would with a full-sized garden. Keep up on minor maintenance throughout the year so that small problems don’t become big problems. Protect your plants from dehydration or withering away, by planting them either in the sun or the shade depending on their preference, and consistently watering and fertilizing them. With these important tips in mind go ahead and start your gardening adventure in the world of small spaces.

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